Letter from the Editor
The Stein 1802 Project is a contemporary take on the early nineteenth century salon, where we may discuss trends, have intellectual debates, tell short stories, share research and interests, engage in a friendly battle or perform. With the added dynamics of video, sound files and images we hope to overcome the physical distance which separates us.
The topic which unites us? The pianoforte and the music at the turn of the eighteenth century. Not forgetting the historical and social context, nor the people and their personal stories. It is of great interest to show how this heritage plays a role in our own lives and how we value and put it to use today — and why we will do so tomorrow.
Why? For the love of the pianoforte, the instrument builders, the composers, the performers, the creativity and the music they have brought forth. But also for the quality of the music we wish to create or to listen to in the future.
It is a place for people with a great curiosity, who sense the importance of excellent craftsmanship, technique, musicality, who cherish the transfer of knowledge and wish to share a vision.
What’s in a name? The adventure started with the discovery ten years ago, of a singular pianoforte, which appeared to be a Frère et Soeur Stein original from the beginning of the year 1802. A story began to unfold.
Now the time has come to take this to another level, driven by the essential idea that it is of great importance we share publicly the richness of our musical adventures, especially when they pertain to a domain which is becoming more and more inaccessible to the greater public.
The Project aims to trigger the mind, challenge and inform, for lessons well-learned are the basis of new ideas. Let us reflect on the legacy of the past and envision how it may enrich our future in a new way. All to be posted in a collaborative effort.
I’m looking forward to welcoming you as a reader, writer, commentator or follower on the site of the Stein 1802 Project!
Birgitta Arts | January 2015.
To submit articles or posts, please send a note to editor[at]stein1802project.com or use our contact form.